How about drinking some canons?
In popular French slang, the expression “boire un canon” means “have a drink” and expresses both simplicity and spontaneity! We proudly claim this spirit because in our eyes, a canon is first and foremost a wine that is drunk with pleasure and ease, without pretension. For too long, we thought we didn’t like wine, blaming it on undrinkable supermarket bottles or formatted and elitist wines.
But thanks to a new generation of exemplary and committed winemakers, we have discovered that another kind of wine is possible, one in which each bottle has its own personality, one that provides lively, joyful emotions and immediate pleasure, and one that is difficult to do without once you have tasted it. This other wine is the natural wine.
A natural wine consists of grapes, and that is all. These grapes are grown organically or even more so, are not yeasted, not sweetened, not fined, and their yields are low, which makes them the work of craftsmen. No artificial inputs are used in the winemaking process, so as not to alter the qualities of the fruit and the terroir from which it comes, apart from the occasional tiny dose of sulphites to stabilize the wine.
Natural wine is the result of a total working philosophy that aspires to harmony and balance between the environment, the grapes and the people.
Finally, another French definition of the word canon is “an ideal model, which should be conformed to” We are firmly convinced that natural wine and the values attached to it tend towards this ideal and will be the norm tomorrow. Introducing and celebrating these sincere and living wines is our humble contribution to the search for this ideal.
So, shall we drink those canons?